About Us

My name is Saskia and I am the designer behind The Wolf and the Tree. I was born in Germany where I learned how to sew using paper patterns - with newspaper and needle point tracing wheel on the kitchen floor - under the guidance of my mother.
I drafted my first clothing patterns when I was in High School. After my children were born I made them everything from self drafted sleep sacks to snow boots and winter coats.
My dearest sewing machine is an early 1970s Elna, gifted to me from my children's honorary great-grandmother, and named in her memory - Peggy. I am a firm believer that everything beyond the old fashioned straight and zig zag stitches is beautiful but not a necessity. Don't be discouraged if your machine lacks features that the modern machines have - you can create lasting beauty with anything, as long as you put care and love into the making of your garments.
We strive to provide 'Simple Elegance for the Sophisticated Seamstress'. Our designs allow you to create straight forward wardrobe staples as well as more elaborate eye catchers, all of which you are sure to adore - because you made it and it is made to fit you.
We hope you enjoy sewing our patterns as much as we enjoy the process of making them.
Feel free to stop by in our Facebook group to show off your creations, to ask for assistance, to see sneak peeks of new designs, sales and to connect with other TWT fans!
Happy sewing!